Client: Mushroom Council, Curious Plot
The Mushroom Council's 'Real Food. Real Fast.' campaign launched offering a whole month of wonderful quick preparing recipes. Showcasing the series on social media, they partnered with the amazing DishWorks Studio to capture the process in incredible beauty and color. Check out my Promo Ad for this awesome recipe month.
Derek Sarno is an innovated star and Executive Chef that creates delicious, plant-based options in the culinary world. Truly the King of Mushroom Grilling. Check out his series on creating amazing meals with The Wicked Meaty Mushroom!
Curious Plot is a marketing, communications and consulting agency for the food, agriculture and companion animal care markets. I have had the luxury of been hired for all different types of creative services for their clients, including The Mushroom Council, Kittch, and Midwest Dairy.